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Co-Occurring Disorder Rehab in New Jersey – Rubicon Recovery

Dual Diagnosis Rehab New Jersey

Also known as dual diagnosis, co-occurring disorders refer to the presence of a mental health disorder alongside a substance use disorder in an individual. The complex relationship between addiction and mental health can include a range of mental health issues such as depression and PTSD, along with addiction to substances such as alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs, and opioids. Treating co-occurring disorders requires a specialized approach that addresses both conditions simultaneously to ensure a successful recovery. Co-occurring treatment also tends to result in more sustainable recovery outcomes for the individual. 

Located in the heart of New Jersey, Rubicon Recovery is posed to address the unique needs and circumstances of individuals with co-occurring disorders. As an outpatient treatment center, we pride ourselves on offering a compassionate and thorough approach to recovery. At Rubicon Recovery we are dedicated to providing individuals with the support, tools, and understanding necessary to overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. By focusing on personalized recovery plans and evidence-based treatments, Rubicon Recovery Center aims to empower individuals to overcome addiction and foster long-term wellness, addressing the significant gap in care highlighted by recent research findings.

What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder?

A co-occurring disorder is when people experience mental health issues while struggling with addiction at the same time. There is some debate around which diagnosis comes first – the mental health condition or the addiction – but it is clear that each condition affects the other, and can create a vicious downward spiral if not treated effectively. 

Overcoming a co-occurring disorder requires professional treatment that addresses both diagnoses at the same time. A comprehensive treatment program will include detoxification, therapy, and support groups, to address both the physical dependence and the psychological aspects of the addiction and the root cause of the mental health condition. It’s helpful to understand more about how to treat co-occurring disorders and what challenges may come up on the road to recovery so that you can get yourself or a loved one the help they need to heal. 

Who Needs Rehab For a Co-Occurring Disorder?

The outpatient addiction rehab at Rubicon Recovery Center is designed for any individual who is struggling with their mental health while also finding themselves unable to stop using a substance despite experiencing negative consequences such as significant harm to their health, finances, relationships, and day to day well being. We welcome people from all backgrounds who are struggling with a co-occurring disorder, no matter their prior history of drug use, overdose, or previous attempts at recovery. 

A co-occurring disorder addiction can look different for different people, but you may need to attend a rehab program if you are experiencing any of the following behaviors: 

  • Withdrawal Symptoms:  The presence of withdrawal symptoms signifies that an individual has developed a physical dependence on a drug, which is a key component of addiction. Some general drug  withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, headaches, sweating and chills. 
  • Change in Social Circles: A subtle yet telling sign of drug addiction is a significant change in an individual’s social circles. Someone might withdraw from long-standing relationships and instead spend time with new friends who share and enable their drug use habits. Losing interest in social activities or hobbies that don’t involve drug use is also related to this sign.
  • Neglecting Responsibilities: A hallmark sign of addiction is when an individual starts to neglect responsibilities at home, work, or school. Financial problems may also arise, often due to spending money on drugs rather than on bills, food, or other essentials. 
  • Decline in Wellbeing: An addiction to any substance can lead to noticeable declines in physical health and appearance. Some tell tale signs may include sudden weight loss or gain, poor skin condition, and neglect of personal hygiene. Sleep patterns may also be disrupted, leading to insomnia or excessive sleeping.

Our Approach To Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment In New Jersey

At Rubicon Recovery, our approach to co-occurring disorder treatment is rooted in evidence-based practices and personalized care. We recognize that each individual’s journey is unique and requires a personalized approach. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to creating a tailored treatment plan that meets your specific needs, right now. 

  • Individual and Group Therapy: We offer individual and group therapy sessions that are designed to  address the psychological and emotional components of addiction. Therapy helps individuals uncover and understand the root causes of their addiction, develop coping strategies, and build a supportive community.
  • Detoxification: While Rubicon Recovery Center does not provide detox services in house, we facilitate access to reputable detox programs for our clients. Our partner detoxification programs are supervised by medical experts, ensuring a safe withdrawal from co-occurring disorder. Attending a  comprehensive detox program will build the foundation for a powerful recovery journey with us. 
  • Therapy and Counseling: We offer a range of therapeutic modalities, including individual counseling, group therapy, and family support sessions, designed to address the emotional and psychological root causes of addiction. 
  • Holistic Therapies: Incorporating holistic therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, and art therapy, helps individuals find balance and healing beyond traditional treatment and provides them with tools they can use in their everyday lives.
  • Aftercare Planning: We believe that recovery is a lifelong journey, which is why we provide comprehensive aftercare planning to support our clients long after they leave our facility.

Although recovery can be a challenging journey, the right support and care can empower individuals to achieve lasting recovery and live drug-free lives. 

How to Find Co-Occurring Disorder Rehab and Treatment In New Jersey 

Professional Addiction Outpatient Treatment In New Jersey 

Facing any addiction is not for the faint of heart, but at Rubicon Recovery in New Jersey, we are here to support you every step of the way. Our comprehensive co-occurring disorder rehab and treatment programs are designed with care and expertise to provide the tools and support you need. Our healing center offers a peaceful and private environment where you can focus on healing and help move you towards a drug free life. 

Connect with us today to take a bold step forward on your journey to recovery from co-occurring disorder addiction. Our dedicated team is ready to guide you through our personalized treatment process and help you find the clarity you need to step toward a brighter, drug free future. 

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